How to write a great blog post within 7 minutes

We've all been there. You're staring down a blank page, and the pressure is on to create an awesome blog post in just 7 minutes. But how do you make sure your post isn't just's great? Check out these quick tips for how to write a great blog post within 7 minutes!

Introduction: What is a Blog Post and Why Should You Write One?

A blog post is an article that you create and publish on a website or a dedicated blog site, usually written in an informal or conversational tone. It should provide helpful information that readers can learn from and be able to take away something informative. Blogging is a great way to engage with your audience, share your expertise, promote your brand, and increase the search engine visibility of your website or blog.

Before you tackle writing a blog post, take some time to consider the purpose of the post, who your target audience is, what topics may be of interest to them and how long it should be. Having a clear plan makes writing a great blog post much easier and expands your chances for success.

When thinking about how to write a great blog post remember there are three things every reader wants:
1) An introduction that sets up what's to come;
2) Highly valuable information;
3) A conclusion that reinforces why they read the post in the first place.

Once you have these elements in mind, it’s time to start writing! Follow this 7-minute guide to creating amazing posts:
1) Set aside at least 15 minutes for planning;
2) Write down any ideas that come immediately into your head;
3) Decide on one topic for your post;
4) Spend 5 minutes enriching this topic ideas from other sources (if necessary);
5) Create an introduction with one sentence;
6) Be creative, but succinct in describing valuable content (take no more than 3-4 minutes); 7) Close by summarizing main points and providing actionable advice (within 2 mintues).

Establish Your Goal: What Do You Want to Achieve?

Before you start writing your blog post, it is important to establish what your goal is - what do you want to achieve with this post? Consider the following inquiries:

• What do you really want people to take away from reading this post?
• Are you educating readers, or guiding them on a specific journey?
• Is there an actionable next step that readers can take after reading this article?
• Will readers learn something they can apply to their own lives?

These questions will help guide the flow of your writing and provide clarity for the rest of the steps listed below. Based on the answers to these questions, determine what elements need to go into making a great blog post. This includes creating an introduction, explaining key points within a body section, linking out to other resources for further reading or even better, including visuals accompanying specific points. Writing in this manner will ensure that anyone who reads your post is thoroughly informed and has tangible results of their experience!

Brainstorming: Generate Ideas for Your Post

One of the most critical steps in creating a successful blog post is brainstorming. By forming a clear and specific outline for your post, you can quickly and easily develop effective content. Here are some tips for getting started:

- Set yourself a timer. Before you start brainstorming, set a timer for five minutes or less. This helps you focus on generating new ideas quickly!
- Brainstorm topics.Think about what your readers might be interested in learning more about, or ask yourself “what do I wish I could write about?” Jot down as many points as possible within your time limit.
- Read other posts in your industry/niche to get ideas and gain insight into what resonates with readers in the same space as you.
- Utilize graphic organizers to help form connections between thoughts. Mind-mapping involves drawing connections between concepts, which encourages creativity and helps to formulate thought structures that may not have initially occurred to you.

By spending just a few minutes brainstorming post ideas, you’ll create the foundation for an effective blog post that is sure to engage readers!

Outline Your Post: Structure Your Content

Outlining your post is a simple and effective way to structure your content so that it’s easy to write and makes sense to your readers. Before you start writing, take a few minutes to brainstorm the main points that you want to cover in your post. Your outline should include topics, subtopics, and any supporting information that will help you craft an interesting and engaging post.

Organize these main ideas into an organized list or short paragraphs so that they form the structure of your piece. By having these ideas outlined before you dive into drafting the actual post, you can easily refer back to it if at any point while writing you get stuck or forget something important.

As part of the outlining process, consider creating a working title for your post — one that encapsulates what the content is about without being overwhelming or confusing for readers. You can always refine and improve it during the editing process, but having a title prior to starting makes staying focused much easier!

Writing: Create Your Post

Writing up the actual post and structuring it is the core activity in this 7 minute challenge.

Begin with a catchy headline which sums up your topic quickly and accurately. This is often one of the toughest areas, but remember to take your time to get it right as it will make all the difference to capture your readers’ attention instantaneously.

The introduction of your blog post should start with an attention-grabbing sentence whose main aim is to provide an overview of what the blog post is about. This will help readers decide whether they want to read further or not. Keep this section concise, limiting yourself to only a few sentences so that you are able to draw more readers into your content.

The body section of your blog post should explain further what you have introduced in the introduction, providing more detail and information pertaining to your topic. Break down this material into several clearly defined sections with subheadings and bullet points where appropriate, so as to guide your readers around more easily without leaving out any relevant facts or figures.

In conclusion, wrap up all you have talked about in a very brief manner; summing it up for easy reference and making use of simple language that conveys complex ideas clearly. Make sure you also include links that may be useful for further reading or even products if they are relevant. This can be an excellent way of drawing visitors back onto your website again, as well as establishing credibility or generating revenue from affiliate links if they are profitable products related to your business or niche market.

Editing: Make It Perfect

The importance of editing cannot be overstated. Editing will help turn that seven-minute blog post into a marketable product. After you have finished writing your post, take a break and come back later to edit it. Focus on the structure of your posts, word choices, details, capitalization, grammar and clarity. Read aloud each paragraph or sentence to ensure that it makes sense and is free of errors. Keep your paragraphs short with no more than four sentences per paragraph for easy scanning by readers. Be sure to proofread your work thoroughly!

If possible, get someone else to review the post before you publish it - a fresh set of eyes can spot errors more easily. Ask them if the idea comes through clearly and if the topic is interesting enough for readers before putting it out there for the world to see. Have them check for logical connections between ideas and comment on readability as well as any confusion that may arise from the incomplete description or lack of clarity in the structure or overall message.

Although this step can take some time, editing is crucial in turning your blog post into an enjoyable and easily understandable article that people will want to read!

Optimizing: Make It SEO-Friendly

Creating good content is one thing, but to get the most out of your blog post you’ll have to optimize it for search engines like Google and Bing. This means you’ll have to include the right keywords in your post and use them strategically.

Ensure that your keyword(s) appear in:
- The heading of your post
- Your content several times as necessary, while making sure it reads naturally
- Your meta description that briefly describes what the blog post is about
-An image alt tag description

It's also a good idea to support the primary keyword related phrases. For example, if your primary keyword were “gift ideas”, then supporting keywords could be “unique gift ideas”, “presents for her” or “gifts under 50 dollars”. Strive to use these terms throughout your blog post where appropriate without overusing them, as this could penalize you rather than help you in search engine ranking.

Publishing: Share Your Post With the World

You’ve built an amazing blog post with valuable content - now it’s time to share it with the world! Publishing a blog post is relatively straightforward, though there are a few considerations you should keep in mind.

First, you should ensure that you’ve proofread your post thoroughly and fixed any mistakes, such as grammar or spelling errors. Next, make sure that all of your internal and external links are working properly. This will help to ensure that website visitors who click your links will land on the pages or sites they were meant to be directed to.

It may also be a good idea to review any media content or images you’ve included and check that all of the files have uploaded properly. Once everything looks good, hit ‘publish’ on your blog post and it will be out in the world!

Once published, there are many additional steps that you can take to increase exposure for your post and make sure more people have the opportunity to read it:
-Share it on social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter
-Create visual content around key phrases from the article (e.g. an infographic) in order to spread further awareness
-Pitch the article to other blogs/publications who might be interested in featuring it
-Create backlinks between related content items
-Include excerpts from your post in newsletters sent out by email
-Reach out directly to influencers who might want to share the content with their followers
By promoting your blog posts well after publishing them, you can maximize their reach significantly - so don’t forget about this important step!


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